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名前:    Standard Reference Materials Group
電話番号:    (301) 975-6776
ファックス番号:    ( 301) 948-3730
国籍:    USA
商品の合計数:    1050
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Indium (In) Standard Solution In
Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion
Industrial Sludge
Infant/Adult Nutritional, Formula
Ingot Iron, Oxygen
Inorganic Constituents in Animal Serum
Inorganics in Marine Sediment
Instrument Response Std for X-Ray Powder Diffraction
Iodine-129 Solution I2
IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film)
Iron (Fe) Standard Solution Fe
Iron (Metallo-Organic)
Iron Electrolytic Fe
Iron Metal (Clinical) Fe
Iron Ore Canada
Iron Ore, Labrador
Iron Ore, Nimba
Iron Oxide, Reduced Fe2O3
Iron-55 Solution Fe
Isooctane (Fuel Rating) C8H18
Isooctane Liquid Density C8H18
Isopropylbenzene in Methanol
Isotope Label Pollutants
Isotopic Standard for Chlorine
K-411 Glass Microspheres
Knoop Microhardness of Steel
LA Carbon (AISI 1211)
LA Steel
LA Steel (A242) (mod.)
LA Steel (AISI 4130)
LA Steel (Ca only)
LA Steel, (HSLA 100)
LA Steel, 0.1% C
LA Steel, 1.0 C
LA Steel, Basic Open Hearth, 1% C
LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only
LA Steel, Carbon (AISI 1078)
LA Steel, Cr-Mo (A336) (F-22)
LA Steel, Cr-Mo (ASTM A 213)
LA Steel, Cr-Mo-Al (Nitralloy rG)
LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8620)
LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8640)
LA Steel, Cr-V (SAE 6150)
LA Steel, Cr-W
LA Steel, F
LA Steel, G
LA Steel, High C (mod.)
LA Steel, High Carbon (mod.)
LA Steel, High Silicon
LA Steel, High Sulfur (SAE 112)
LA Steel, Manganese (SAE T340)
LA Steel, Ni-Mo (SAE 4820)
Lake Michigan Fish Tissue
Lake Sediment Powder
Lake Superior Fish Tissue
Lanthanum (La) Standard Solution La
Lattice Parameter/Single, Crystal (Ruby Spheres)
Lead (Pb) Standard Solution Pb
Lead Freezing Point Pb
Lead Nitrate (Clinical)
Lead Paint Film (Gold), Nominal 0.7 mg/cm2
Lead Paint Film (Green), Nominal 0.3 mg/cm2
Lead Paint Film (Orange), Nominal 1.6 mg/cm2
Lead Paint Film (Red), Nominal 1.0 mg/cm2
Lead Paint Film (Yellow), Nominal 3.5 mg/cm2
Lead Paint Film, High Level
Lead Paint Film, White/Blank Nominal <0.001 mg/cm2
Lead Paint Films for Children's Products
Lead Paint Films for Portable XRF Analyzers
Lead-210 Radioactivity Solution Pb
Lead-Base Alloy
Leaded-Tin Bronze Alloy
Lead-Silica, for dc resistivity
L-glutamic Acid USGS40(Light Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid)
L-glutamic Acid USGS41 (Heavy Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid)
Limestone, Argillaceous
Line Pipe (AISI 1526 mod.)
Line Position and Line Shape, Std for Powder Diffraction
Line Position, Mica (XRD)
Lipids in Frozen Human Serum
Liquid Absorbance Filters, UV-VIS
Liquid Refractive Index - Mineral Oil
Lithium Carbonate (Clinical)
Lithium Ore (Lepidolite)
Lithium Ore (Petalite)
Lithium Ore (Spodumene)
Lithium Standard Solution リチウム 7439-93-2 Li
Low Alloy Steel
Low Alloy Steel (HY 80)
Low Density Polyethylene Resin
Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification)
Low Energy Izod Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification)
Low Temperature Seebeck Coefficient Standard
Low-Boron, Soda-Lime Powder
Low-Calorie Cranberry Juice Cocktail
Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification)
LSVEC-Lithium Carbonate
Lubricating Oil Additive Package
Lutetium (Lu) Standard Solution Lu
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