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名前:    Standard Reference Materials Group
電話番号:    (301) 975-6776
ファックス番号:    ( 301) 948-3730
国籍:    USA
商品の合計数:    1050
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Chlorine-36 Solution Cl2
Cholesterol コレステロール 57-88-5 C27H46O
Chromium (Cr) Standard Solution Cr
Chromium (Isotopic)
Chromium (Metallo-Organic)
Chromium Steel
Chromium-Molybdenum Steel
Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified)
Cigarette Ignition Strength, Standard
CO2-Biogenic, Modern Biomass Origin
CO2-Heavy, Paleomarine Origin
CO2-Light, Petrochemical Origin
Coal Fly Ash
Coating Thickness Standard, (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel)
Cobalt (Co) Standard Solution Co
Cobalt-60 Solution Co
Column Performance Test Mixture of Liquid Chromatography
Column Selectivity Test Mixture for Liquid Chromatography
Commercial Bronze A (block)
Commercial Bronze A (disk)
Commercial Bronze B (disk)
Commercial Bronze C (block)
Commercial Bronze C (disk)
Complex Mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Coal Tar
Coplanar Waveguide Calibration Set
Copper (Cu) Standard Solution Cu
Copper (Metallo-Organic)
Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)
Copper Ore Mill Heads
Copper Ore Mill Tails
Cotinine in Freeze-Dried Human Urine
Cranberry (fruit)
Cranberry Extract
Cranberry-Containing Solid, Oral Dosage Form
Creatinine クレアチニン 60-27-5 C4H7N3O
Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum
Crude Oil (Heavy Sweet)
Crude Oil (Light -Sour)
Cu Freezing Point
Cupro-Nickel (CDA 715)
Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706)
Curium-243 Solution Cm
Cystine シスチン (DL-, -混合物) 923-32-0 C6H12N2O4S2
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) for DNA Measurements
Deuterated Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate
Deuterated Organic Acids in Methanol: Methylene Chloride
D-Glucose (Dextrose)
Diesel Particulate Extract
Diesel Particulate Matter
Dinitropyrene Isomers and 1-Nitropyrene in Methylene Chloride
Dioxin in Isooctane
Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 第二リン酸ナトリウム·12水和物 10039-32-4 H25Na2O16P
D-Mannitol D-マンニトール 69-65-8 C6H14O6
Dolomitic Limestone
Domestic Sludge
Drugs of Abuse in Frozen Human Serum
Ductile Cast Iron
Ductile Iron B
Ductile Iron C
Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN)
Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN)
Dysprosium (Dy) Standard Solution Dy
Eastern Cottonwood Whole Biomass Feedstock
Eighteen Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Compounds in Nitrogen (Nominal 5 nmol/mol)
Elec/Mag Ni-Fe
Elec/Mag Ni-Mo-Fe
Electrolytes in Frozen Human Serum
Electrolytic Iron
Endothall in Water
Equal-Atom Lead (Isotopic) Standard
Erbium (Er) Standard Solution Er
Estuarine Sediment
Ethanol (in Gasoline)
Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.02 %)
Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.04 %)
Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.08 %)
Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.1 %)
Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.2 %)
Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.3 %)
Ethanol-Water Solution, (nom. 6%)
Ethanol-Water Solution, (nominal 25 % by mass)
Ethanol-Water Solution, (nominal 95.6%)
Ethanol-Water Solutions
Ethylbenzene in Methanol
Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline)
Eucalyptus Hardwood
Europium-152 Solution Eu
Fat-Sol Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum
Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane
Fatty Acids/Cholesterol in Frozen Diet Composite
FDA Saxitoxin Dihydrochloride Solution
Ferrochromium Silicon
Ferrochromium, High Carbon
Ferrochromium, Low Carbon
Ferromanganese, High Carbon
Ferrophosphorus 8049-19-2 FeP
Ferrosilicon フェロシリコン 8049-17-0 FeSi2
Ferrosilicon (73% Si Regular Grade)
Ferrosilicon (75% Si-HP Grade)
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